Every Friday - Yoga on the Mountain

Jeden Freitag von 7. Juni bis 6. September 2023 um 9.30 Uhr Katrin Bergstation. Bei Schlechtwetter im ExcitingFit Studio. Infos unter 06132/21405; studio@excitingfit.at www.excitingfit.at

The clear fresh mountain air, the scent of flowers and mountain herbs, the sun on your skin and feeling the power of the mountains. All this contributes to relaxation.

Start the day with yoga on our "heart mountain" and feel from the first breath how the tension flows out of your body and your heart becomes free!

Everyone is welcome - interested, beginners, advanced - to take part in this feel-good class.

The event is free of charge and supported by the Healthy Community.


Ofenfrisches Bratl

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16.9. at 13:00 concert of the Musikkapelle Lauffen, in all weathers